
Friday, December 10, 2010


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We wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season. Hopefully Thanksgiving was filled with good food and plenty of family. We enjoyed spending time with our families after finishing up our show season in Washington DC.  Michigan and Colorado were cold but we were fortunate enough to enjoy some snowy weather. However, we are delighted to be back in Arizona where the weather is warm & cozy!

This year we made a multitude of new friends to add to our cookware family and had a successful season thanks to all of you. We are overjoyed that you have taken the initiative to a healthier path in life and that we could be a part of that.

We added a couple of new recipes to our website for the holidays so be sure to take a  look at what's new. We are always looking for new recipes so please be sure to forward us any of your recipes you would like to share with us. Looking forward to seeing you all next year. Wishing you the warmest of holidays and a peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year!

Joy and Light,

Brett and Lena Coleman
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Cookware Tip

Do not Peek. Though tempting, especially at Christmas time, resist the urge to open the lid and peek inside. Once the cover is opened, the vapor seal is broken. This could possibly lengthen cooking time and even cause your vegetables to overcook. If you choose to flip your meat to brown both sides make sure to do this quickly and then place the lid back on the pan. If you do remove the lid for any reason and the food is not cooked completely, cover the pan, and add 1 or 2 Tbsp. of water to the rim to reestablish the vapor seal more quickly.   Happy cooking!